So, you’ve got through to the finals of the Regional Songwriting Contest or perhaps have an upcoming gig and you need some help refining your performance?

BMEC is committed to offering performers the opportunity to work with some of the region’s best artists on performance skills in this free workshop. Get some hot tips on connecting with your audience, learn microphone technique and how to ensure you are producing the best sound out of your instrument including your voice. Abby Smith and Sophie Jones (aka Smith & Jones) will be presenting this dynamic and hands on workshop. It will cover indispensable skills such as: arranging techniques for instruments/voices, on stage dos/don’ts, gig etiquette (eg. speaking to the audience, putting together a set list etc), working with sound engineers and techs, microphone technique, and mental health in the music industry.

Please prepare/bring along a song and your instrument, the BMEC piano is available for pianists. It doesn’t matter what the style, you’ll get loads out of this workshop and you’ll get to meet others from the Central West just like you. Suitable for those with some experience as well as those just setting out.

This workshop will be particularly useful for those considering entering the Regional Songwriting Contest for the first time.

Event and Ticket Details

Hearing Aid Loop Wheelchair Access
BMEC 105 William Street, Bathurst NSW Get Directions

Free but registration is required.

BMEC Local Stages
Create NSW

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