About Local Stages

About Local Stages

Local Stages supports the development of the performing arts in the Bathurst Region and the Central West of NSW. The program was initiated to “unlock” access to BMEC’s facilities and resources for the development of contemporary and innovative performing arts practice. There was a realisation that as regional theatre companies were disappearing regional performing arts centres were arising and that these could become hubs for a diverse range of regional contemporary performing arts development.

In 2007, Local Stages was funded as a three-year pilot project by the Theatre Board of the Australia Council for the Arts (now Creative Australia), Arts NSW (now Create NSW) and Bathurst Regional Council. 17 years later Local Stages has firmly established itself as a vital regional program and funding is obtained from a range of sources with core funding continuing from Arts NSW and BRC.

Local Stages has developed a proud local, regional and national reputation as an incubator of new work and is often cited as an example of regional best practice. It is now part of the heart of BMEC and is intertwined with every element of BMEC performing arts activity.

Upcoming Events
Regional Songwriting Contest 2024

Regional Songwriting Contest 2024

The Regional Songwriting Contest returns for another year and we are looking to unearth new and exciting talent from the Central West of NSW. This includes any songwriter from the Bathurst, Blayney, Oberon, Lithgow, Mid-Western, Cabonne, Orange, Cowra, Weddin, Forbes, Parkes or Lachlan local government areas. We will be providing even more support to assist you in creating your new songs through two workshops in the lead-up to the competition.

Wednesday 31 July Launch and Online Q&A
Saturday 3 August Songwriting Workshop with Abby Smith and Kris Schubert
Sunday 18 August Demo & Pitching Workshop with Abby Smith and Kris Schubert
Thursday 29 August Entries open
Thursday 3 October 11:59pm Entries Closed
Monday 14 October Finalists Announced
Saturday 26 October Performance Workshop with Abby Smith and Sophie Jones – READ MORE
Saturday 16 November Rehearsal and Regional Songwriting Contest Top 15 Finalists in BMEC Showroom – READ MORE

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